مبدعـــــــــــــــــــــــــ غزة فلسطين ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــون
عزيزي الزائر المحترم أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في منتدى مدرسة ذكور الشاطئ الابتدائية ج " مبدعــــــــــ غزة فلسطين ـــــــــون " نرحب بكل ما هو جديد ومفيد، يرجى المشاركة بما لا يتنافى مع الدين والعادات والتقاليد الاسلامية العريقة إذا أردت المشاركة فتفضل بالتسجيل أو اضغط اخفاء لتستطيع تصفح المواضيع
مع تحيات فريق العمل
المشرف العام
مدير المدرسة
محمود المدهون
مبدعـــــــــــــــــــــــــ غزة فلسطين ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــون
عزيزي الزائر المحترم أهلاً وسهلاً بكم في منتدى مدرسة ذكور الشاطئ الابتدائية ج " مبدعــــــــــ غزة فلسطين ـــــــــون " نرحب بكل ما هو جديد ومفيد، يرجى المشاركة بما لا يتنافى مع الدين والعادات والتقاليد الاسلامية العريقة إذا أردت المشاركة فتفضل بالتسجيل أو اضغط اخفاء لتستطيع تصفح المواضيع
مع تحيات فريق العمل
المشرف العام
مدير المدرسة
محمود المدهون
مبدعـــــــــــــــــــــــــ غزة فلسطين ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــون
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

مبدعـــــــــــــــــــــــــ غزة فلسطين ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــون

جميع الآراء تعبر عن وجهة نظر كاتبها فقط ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن وجهة نظر إدارة المنتدى
البوابةالرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخول
تهنئة من إدارة المدرسة لفريق اللغة الإنجليزية وبخاصة المعلمة مها سرور على حصول وسيلة الطقس على جائزة أفضل وسيلة في القطاع
عاجل!!!!!!!!!!!!!! الاستاذ محمد مطر متميز ومختبر الحاسوب في المدرسة يحتل المركز الاول على منطقتي غرب غزة والشمال
انتبه!!!!!!! يمكنك الآن تحميل نماذج المراجعة للفصل الدراسي الثاني 2011 من منتدى نماذج المراجعة مباشرة
ادخل منتدى اولياء الامور وتعرف على جدول امتحانات نهاية الفصل الثاني 2011
تهنئة للطالب عبد الرحمن عابد بحصوله على المرتبة الثامنة في مسابقة الرياضيات للصف الثالث
تهنئة للطالبين محمد أبو خوصة والطالب عبد الله أبو عبدو لتفوقهم في مسابقة ترتيل القرآن الكريم
نبارك لكل أحبائنا الطلاب التاجحين ونتمنى النجاح للجميع *** تقدمت المدرسة في الترتيب العام للمدارس بصورة عامة ****** ألف مبارك للطلاب محمد أبو خوصة الأول على المدرسة وعلى الصف السادس *** الطالب إبراهيم الجمل الأول على الخامس والثاني على المدرسة *** الطالب زياد أبو عودة الأول على الرابع
ستبدأ امتحانات الاكمال يوم 17/8/2011م***** يمكنكم الحصول على كتب مواد الاكمال من المدرسة يوم الاثنين من كل أسبوع


 نموذج مراجعة للصف الرابع E

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
رغدة انشاصي
عضو فعال
عضو فعال
رغدة انشاصي

عدد المساهمات : 40
تاريخ التسجيل : 15/03/2011
العمر : 38

نموذج مراجعة للصف الرابع  E Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: نموذج مراجعة للصف الرابع E   نموذج مراجعة للصف الرابع  E Icon_minitimeالثلاثاء 22 مارس 2011, 21:55

Unit 13

1) Finish the dialogue :

Hello , ---------------- ---------------- , Basmah.
What --------------- you do at school? We----------- English
Did you ----------------- homework? Yes I -----------------
--------------------, Ali ----------------, Basmah.

2) Read and answer :

Last Saturday Jehad had maths home work . It was very easy . He did it carefully . It took him two hours to do . He had ten out of ten
a) Jehad is a --------------------- ( doctor - pupil - butcher )
b) He had a ----------------- home work ( maths -Arabic - English )
c) His home work was -------------------- ( hard - easy - difficult )
d) He has the home work last ------- (Sunday -Saturday -Monday )
3) Match :

1- How many children do you have ? They went to the market ( )
2- Did you go to England ? Yes , he is . ( )
3- Is Mr. Jamal a teacher ? No , I didn't . ( )
4- Did Muna go to London ? I have two children . ( )
5- Where did they go last week ? Yes , she did .( )

4) Choose the right answer :

1- The sun is -------------------- ( on - at - in ) the sky .
2- Yesterday -------------------- Friday ( is - was - are )
3- I ------------------------ ( are -am - is ) from Palestine .
4- Ali ------------- ( don't -doesn't ) like to eat ice - Cream .
5- Areej ------------- ( learn - learned ) on English song yesterday .
6- Adel ---------------- his homework yesterday (finished - finish )
7- -------------------- you go to school last week ?( Do - Did )
8- ----------- children does Salwa have? (How long - How much - How many)
9- She ------------------------ to school every day ( goes -went )
10- I get up -----------------six o'clock ( in - at )

5) Make questions:

a - Salwa went to Jordan Did Salwa go to Jordan ?
b- Ahmed put his bag on the table -------------------------------
c- Ahmed learned an English song ------------------------------
d- Walid bought a 0new bike -------------------------------
e- Amal had an apple for breakfast ------------------------------
f- He watched T.V yesterday -------------------------------
6) Complete :

Who - What -Who - Where -What – When

1- ---------------- is Basim ? He's at the market
2- -------------- is he carrying ? He's carrying a lot of oranges
3------------------ walks into the road ? A boy
4- ---------------- does the boy say ? I'm sorry
5------------------ is the boy ? Ahmed
6------------------ is your birthday ? In August .

7) Circle the odd one out:

1- played - cooked - washed - finish
2- English - Canada - Jordan - Lebanon
3- crash – cooked - finished - added
4- Rafah - Gaza -Jordan - Jenin
5- black - pink - pack - brown
6- ruler - chair - pencil - book
7- Jericho - Nablus - London - Bethlehem
8- go - cooked - do - have
9- Canada - Beirut - Lebanon - Jordan .

Cool Match "A" with "B"

1- Were you at school yesterday ? ( ) Yes , He did
2- What did you do yesterday ? ( ) No , I wasn’t
3- Did Ali finish his homework ( ) In Jerusalem
4- Where is Al-Aqsa mosque ? ( ) I wrote a letter
9) Answer the following questions :

1- Did you do your home work last night ?
2- Did you watch T.V yesterday ?
3- How many sisters do you have ?
4- Where are you from?
5- Did you go to school yesterday ?
6- Were you at school yesterday ?
7- Did you go to Jordan last year ?
8- What did you do yesterday ?

10) Re-arrange :

1- city -a-is -beautiful -Jerusalem .
2- finished - homework - Adnan - his
Unit 14
1) Choose the write answer:

1- Father _________ to the market last week . { go – went }
2- He ___________ some fish yesterday . { buy – bought } .
3- We __________ fish last night . { ate – eat }
2) Make negative :

1- I wrote Arabic Last Monday . I didn’t write Arabic last Monday .
2- We saw Ali Last night . --------------------------------------------------
3- She played football yesterday . ------------------------------------------
4- Mother cooked Qidreh yesterday . ---------------------------------------
3) Match ( A ) with ( B )
( A ) ( B )
1- The first month is { } October
2- The tenth month is { } February
3- The seventh month is { } January
4- The second month is { } September
5- The ninth month is { } July
4) Complete with :
{ post – cloudy - bought – wrote – had – Did – March – ate – watch }

1- Did you __________ TV yesterday .
2- _____________ is the third month .
3- __________ they visit Ali last week .
4- I ___________ an apple yesterday .
5- She __________ stamps from the _____________ office .
6- In December it is ____________ and cold .
7- I __________ lunch at home .
8- I ___________ an English lesson.
5) Choose the correct answer :
1- Today ____________ Friday. {was – is }
2- April is the __________ month {third – fourth – fifth}
3- It is ___________ in July. { Sunny – rainy – windy }
4- December is the _________ month of the year. {first – second – last }
5- __________ is the first month. {January – June – July}


6) Circle the odd one out :
1- sunny – rainy – hot – cloudy .
2- June – May – Saturday – July .
3- fifth – second – twelfth – ten .
4- make – ate – went – bought .
5- add – have – sold – go .
7) Re – arrange :
Ahmad′s – birthday – is – When ? ------------------------------------------------

2- week – cycled – Gaza – I – last – to . -----------------------------------------
Cool Re –arrange the following :
1- We ate lunch together . ( )---------------------------
2- Dear Ahmad . ( )----------------------------
3- Last Monday she made lamb and rice . ( )-----------------------------
4- The meal was delicious . ( )-----------------------------
5- Heba . ( )-----------------------------
6- Aunt Salwa is staying with us ( ) -----------------------------

9) Look and complete :
{ ok – ay – en – el }

1- kitch___ 2- co____ 3-pe ____ 4 – st_____

10) Read and answer:

Yesterday aunt Suhaila went to the shop . She bought a kilo of oranges . She didn’t choose a present , then she went home and made lunch for
Adnan .

Choose the correct answer :
1- Yesterday aunt Suhaila went to the ___________ { mosque – school – market }
2- She bought a _________ of oranges { kilo – liter – jar }
3- She ____________ lunch { make –made – making }

Answer :
Did aunt Suhaila choose a present ? --------------------------------------------

11) Match the words :

1- go to a kilo of pears
2- buy a lunch
3- Choose a the post office
4- make present
5- write to Ahmad

12) Read and match
1- Did you visit the doctor ? December
2- Can you swim ? The third month
3- It is cloudy and cold in Yes‚ I did
4- March is No‚ I can't

13) Read and choose :
1- How old are you ? { I'm nine – I'm fine – I'm a pupil }
2- What's the weather like ? { It’s a pen – It’s big – It’s sunny }
3- What's the second month ? { Friday – January – February }

14) Read and write :
January – windy – cloudy – went – bought – cold – September – March – choose

Verbs Months Weather
--------------- ----------------- ---------------
---------------- ----------------- ---------------
---------------- ----------------- --------------

15) Answer the following questions :

1- How many months are there in a year ?
2- Do you like March ?
3- Where did you go last April ?
4- Is December the eleventh month ?
5- What is the eleventh month ?
6- Is it cold in Gaza in summer ?
7- Did you go to the market last Friday ?
8- Did you buy a present for your mother ?
9- What did you do yesterday ?
10- Do you like cycling ?

Unit 14

1) Listen and circle the word you hear:

a-bought wrote cooked washed
b-bookshop shoe shop baker butcher
c-hot put cut not
d-June July January February
2) Circle the odd one out :

a-went bought make sold
b-March May September Sunday
c-lamp figs apples bananas
d-fourth twelve second tenth
3) Read and answer:

"Yesterday aunt Suhaila went to the bookshop.
she bought a calendar and a postcard . Then , she went home and made lunch for Adnan

1- Yesterday, aunt Suhaila went to the ---------------
{ market – post office – bookshop }

2- She bought a ----------------------------
( stamp - postcard - letter )

3- She ------------------------------- lunch ( make -made - making )

1- Did aunt Suhaila go to the market yesterday?
2- Did aunt Suhaila buy a calendar and a postcard?
3- Did she make dinner?

4) Match the verbs:

write bought eat had
buy made go went
make wrote have ate
5) Choose the correct answer :

1- Yesterday, I ---------------------- lamb and rice { make- made – making} 2- March is the ---------------------- month { first – second – third }
3- It's ----------------------- in January . {sunny - rainy - hot }
4- Ahmad ---------------------- a present yesterday. { buy – bought – sold}
5- Yesterday , I ------------------------- to the market { went – go – going}

1- How many months are there in a year ?
2- How many days are there in a month ?
3- Is October the 11th month ?
4- What is the 11th month ?


6) Make sentences :

1- went market Ali the to .
2- didn't I a present choose .
3- to Let's post office the go .

7) Finish Salwa's postcard :

{ likes –staying – makes – is }
Dear brother Ahmad ,
Suhaila is ------------------------- with us in Ramallah .
She ------------------------ a very good aunt . She ---------------- delicious lunch for Adnan . He ----------------- her very much .
love from your sister
Cool Handwriting :

Yesterday I bought a postcard.

Unit 15
1) Look and complete:
{ nephew – aunt – uncle – children – brother – sister }


Suhaila Ahmad

Mousa Jihad Imad Salim Ibtisam

1- Suhaila has two -------------------------.
2- Imad is Suhaila's --------------------- --.
3- Ahmad is Suhaila's ---------------------
4- Ibtisam is Imad's ------------------------
5- Suhaila is Salem's -----------------------
6- Ahmad is Jihad's ------------------------
2) Match :
1- How many uncles do you have ? { } yes‚ he is
2- Does Heba have two cousins ? { } I have two uncles
3- When is Hani's birthday ? { } She is 85 years old
4- How old is your grand mother ? { } It is in September
5- Is Ali older than Amal ? { } No‚ she doesn’t
3) Complete : { brothers – older –How – old – younger }
1- My brother is ------------------ than me .
2- My mother is ------------------- than my father .
3- ---------------- old is your sister .
4- My grand mother is 80 years old . She is an -----------------woman .
5- My father and uncle are --------------------------
4) Circle the odd one out :
1- nephew – pupil – niece – cousin .
2- tall – go – old – young .
3- sister – father – mother – teacher .
4- fifth – birthday – second – tenth .
5) Look and write :
{ Ashraf – father – sister – mother – Amal }

1- Yasser has a ------------------- Her name is ------------------.
2- His ------------------s name is Abdullah .
3- Yasser's ------------------------ is Fadwa .
4- His brothers name is -----------------------.
6) Choose the right answer :

1- Ali is ---------------- than Adnan . { old – older }
2- John is --------------- than Tom . { taller – tall }
3- Samy is ----------------- than Rana . { young – younger }
4- { How many – How much – How old } ---------------- cousins do you have ?
5- October is the ------------------ month { first – seventh – tenth }
7) Write the opposite :

Small x ------------------ short x -----------------
Young x ------------------ difficult x ---------------

Cool Re – arrange :

Huda – Ahmad – older – is – than . -------------------------------------------

9) Finish the dialogue :

Samy Omar
-------------, Omar Hello -----------------
Is this your picture ? Yes it ----------------
Is this your father ? yes ----------------- is
-----------------------, Omar Goodbye , Samy

10) Read and choose the correct answer :

Adnan has two uncles and one aunt . His uncle Ali has two boys and three girls and his aunt Amal has four girls and one boy . His uncle Omar has no girls and one boy .
a- Adnan has got two ---------------- { aunts – uncles – nephews } .
b- Ali has ----------------- children . { four – six – five }
c- Adnan has got eleven ------------------- { nieces – nephews – cousins } .
d- Adnan’s aunt has got --------------------- { no – one – on } boy

Answer the following questions :

1- Does your father have a brother ?


2- Are you younger than your father ?

3- Are you taller than your brother ?

4 How many uncles do you have ?

5- How many cousins do you have ?

6- When is your birthday ?

7- What is the fifth month ?


Unit 15

1) Finish the following:

This is how I make Qidreh.
First I --------------- the lamb. Then I------------- it with olive oil and onions.
I ---------- salt, pepper and chick peas. I----------the rice and --------it for twenty minutes in water I---------------- lamb and rice on a plate.
2) Finish:
This is how to cook apples.
1- First -------------- the apples and ------------ them on a big plate.
2- ------------------ sugar and lemon juice.
3- ------------------ them for ten minutes.
4- ------------------ them with yoghurt and honey.

3) Complete:

Present simple المضارع Past simple الماضي


4) Finish these sentences:

1- Ramy didn't -------------------- to school today.
2- I -------------------- my face and hands.
3- Did your mother ---------------- the food yesterday?

Unit 15
1) Who am I ?
I work in a shop . I sell many things such as : rice , macaroni and sugar .
I am a ------------------.

2- I work at the market . I sell vegetables such as : potatoes and tomatoes .
I am a---------------------.
3- I work in a bakery . I make bread and sell it . I am a ----------
4- You can see me at the market , I sell meat , I am a -----------
5- I work at school . I teach students , I am a -------------------

2) Complete:

1- I can buy a blouse at the ----------------------.
2- We can buy postcards at the --------------------.
3- You can buy shoes at the --------------------------------
4- You can have your lunch at the -------------------------

3) Odd one out:

1- baker - butcher - sweater - grocer
2- workshop - post office - school - computer.
3- me - your - her - their .
4- opposite - near - behind - next .

Unit 15

Hussein + Jamila

Jehad + Sara Salem + Maha Nader + Rana

Nora Ahmed Noha Soha Ramy Ali

1) Finish :

1- Hussein is Salem's ----------------
2- Jamila is Nader's -----------------
3- Jehad is Sara's -------------------
4- Maha is Salem's ------------------
5- Soha is Salem's -------------------
6- Sara is Jehad's -------------------
7- Ramy is Maha's -------------------
8- Ahmed is Noha's ------------------
9- Nader is Nora's -------------------
10- Rana is Soha's --------------------
11- Soha is Jehad 's -------------------
12- Ramy is Nader's -------------------
13- Hussein is Ramy's -------------------
14- Jamila is Ali's ------------------------

2) Answer:

1- How many sons does Hussein have ? ---------------------------------------

2- How many cousins does Noha have ?---------------------------------------

Unit 16

1) Complete :
{ seven – old – in – twenty three - she }

1- How ------------------- is your uncle ?
2- Twenty and three are -------------------------
3- Does ------------------ live in Rafah ?
4- 57 is fifty -------------------
5- Hani lives ------------------- Ramallah .
2) Circle the odd one out :

1- old – younger – shorter – taller
2- arrived – got – go – walked
3- tall – go – old – young
4- Canada – Jordan – Toronto – Lebanon

3) Match :

1- What's the time ? { } To the market
2- Please write { } Number five
3- What number is Ted’s flat ? { } A letter
4- What is the fifth month ? { } It is half past nine
5- Where did Adnan go ? { } Yes he did
6- Did Adnan write to Ahmad { } May

4) Choose the correct answer :

1- Ted lives ---------------- Toronto { in – on – at }
2- Bill got -----------------the bus { off – of }
3- Please come to dinner --------------- Wednesday . { in – on – at }
4- You must turn ----------------- { left – lift – bell }
5- My birthday is ----------------- August { of – on – in }

Unit 16
1) Look and write :

a- Answer :
1- Where is the school ?
2- Where is the shoes shop ?
3- Is the baker opposite the book shop ?

b- Finish :
1- The gas station is behind the ----------------------.
2- The baker is between -------------- and --------------------
3- The greengrocer is ------------------------ the shoes shop .
4- The school is ----------------------- the shoes shop .
2- Finish the following with a word from the list :

Dear -lift -left - bus -apartment - floor - bell - dinner - block

----------------------- Nadia ,
Please come to ------------------------------ on Friday at eight o'clock . Get off the --------------------- in front of the bookshop . Turn --------------- at the police station. then walk to the fifth -------------- . take the ------------------- to the sixth ---------------. turn right . our ------------------------ is number 9 . Ring the --------------------.
See you soon .

2) Make a question :

1- --------------------------------------------------------- ?
Yes , Ramy is going to have supper with Ali
The birthday party is at seven o'clock .
3- ----------------------------------------------------------------?
I must get off the bus in front of the post office .
4- ------------------------------------------------------------?
Yes , Samy walked to the fourth building .
5- -----------------------------------------------------------------?
Adnan wrote a letter to Ahmed .
6 ----------------------------------------------------------?
The seventh month of the year is July .
7- ------------------------------------------------------------------?
No , I don't go to school on Friday .
8- ----------------------------------------------------------------?
Noha has two children .
9- ------------------------------------------------------------------?
Fadwa was in the library .
10- ------------------------------------------------------------------?
No , I wasn't in Rafah Yesterday .

Unit 16
1) Complete this letter :

(Turn - arrive - Ring – Come - walk - get - are )

Dear Samir :
We are now living in our new flat at ------ eight o'clock . you must---------- off the bus in front of the post office ------------------------ right at the bookshop Then ------------------ to the fifth building we ------------------------------------ in flat 8 -------------------------- the bell
2) Classify the words then write them in the tables below:

صنف الكلمات واكتبها في الجدول أدناه

(bus - dinner - car - post office - plane - breakfast - train - opposite - bookshop - bus station - bicycle –in front of - beside - supper supermarket - next to )

Places Transports Prepositions of places Meals

3) Complete :

Present simple Past simple
arrive -------------------
get off -------------------
walk -------------------
ring --------------------
come -------------------
turn right --------------------
have --------------------
take --------------------
go --------------------
buy --------------------
4) Choose the right answer :

1- We buy stamps at the (police station - post office - bookshop)
2- Ola (ring - rings -rang ) the ---------------- bell and Ahmed opened it .
3- Please come to dinner ( on - at - in ) Wednesday ( on - at - in )seven o'clock .
4- Laila is ( at - on - in ) the market now .
5- ------------------------ is Ahmed . he's at home (When - Who Where )
6- Sana is sitting in front of Azza . Azza is ( next to - behind - between)Sana .
7- The ------------------------------ ( first - second - third ) month of the year
is March .

5) Look and answer :

1- Is there a grocer in the street ?
2- Is there a baker in the street ?
3- Is the shoe shop next to the grocer ?
4- Is the butcher opposite the post office ?
6) Finish :

1- The restaurant is ------------------------- the butcher
2- The shoe shop is ------------------------ the post office and the grocer .
3- The mosque is ------------------------------ the grocer .
4- The book shop is ------------------------------ the grocer
5- The post office is next to the -------------------.
7) Answer:

1- Where is your school?
2- Where is your house ?

Cool Do as shown :

7th = seventh
1st = -----------
5 th = ---------
------ = second
------ = third
------- = ninth
9) Look at the pictures and say then write :

How is the weather ?
a- It's---------- and---------- in July

b- It's ---------- and ----------- in January

c-It's ----------- and ---------- in September

d- It's------------and -------------in December

10) Read and choose:

1- This month aunt Soha ( stays - is staying ) with us.
2- She ( live - lives ) in Jerusalem .
3- She ( is - was ) a very good cook .
4- We (ate -eat) rice with chickens last Friday.
5- Today she (makes - is making) a cake with apples.
6- She ( like - likes ) cooking very much .

Exam for units 14, 15,16

1) Circle the word you hear:

brother father mother weather
Jordan January June July
make eat take came
old cold walk fork

2) Circle the odd one out:
sister father doctor mother
ring help ate get
butcher baker grocer water
October January Friday May

3) Read and answer:

My name is Adnan . I'm nine years old . My sister , Sameera , is younger than me . Suhaila , my aunt , has two children . Ahmed , my uncle, has three children .

1- Suhaila's son is my ----------------( nephew - brother -cousin)
2- Ahmad's mother is my ------------ ( niece - sister- grand mother )
3- Suhaila is Adnan's ------------------ ( uncle - mother - aunt )
4- Sameera is --------------- than Adnan ( younger- taller - older )

Answer :
1- How many children does Ahmad have ?
2- Is Adnan older than Sameera ?

4) Choose the correct answer:

- My uncle's daughter is --------------- ( niece , cousin- aunt )
- Yesterday , I ----------------- a letter ( write - wrote - writing )
- It's --------------------- in December (hot - cold - warm)
- Hamad is ----------------- than Adnan ( short - shorter - taller )
- I'm ----------------to buy a skirt ( going - went - go )

5) Answer the following questions:

1- Are you taller than your brother ?
2- Is Ahmad older than Ali ?
3- Are you a pupil ?
6) Re arrange :

We ate lunch together . ( )
Dear Ahmad ( )
Last Monday she made lamb and rice ( )
The meal was delicious ( )
Heba ( )
Aunt Suhaila is staying with us ( )

7) Handwriting:

You mustn't eat in the class.

Unit 17

1) Correct the following :

1- The red hat is ----------------- ( big ) than the blue hat .
2- Omar is -------------- (old) than Walid .
3- Arwa is -------------- ( short ) than Sami .
4- The melon is ---------------- ( heavy ) than the banana .
5- Clare is ----------------- ( tall ) than Amanda .
6- Travelling by car is ---------------------- (quick) than bicycle.


Arwa Adnan Sami Walid

9 10 10 12

2- Is Arwa smaller than Walid ? --------------------------------------------------------------
3- Is Adnan taller than Sami ? ----------------------------------------------------------------
4- Is Sami older than Walid ? -----------------------------------------------------------------
5- Is Arwa younger than Sami ? -----------------------------------------------------------=========================================================
2) Choose :
1- The lion is --------------- than the cat ( bigger – smaller )
2- Ali is ------------ than Adnan ( old older )
3- The banana is ----------------than an olive ( heavy – heavier)

Unit 17
1) Complete:

1- tall taller than the tallest
2- short -------------- ---------------
3- light -------------- ---------------
4- heavy -------------- ---------------
5- big -------------- ---------------
6- small -------------- ---------------
7- old -------------- ---------------
8- young -------------- ---------------
9- slow -------------- ---------------
10- quick --------------- ---------------
11- good --------------- ---------------
12- long --------------- ---------------
2) Look and complete

( older – younger – shortest – the tallest – taller than )

Ali (10) Ramy (10) Salem (11)

1- Ali is tall
2- Ramy is ------------------- Ali
3- Salem is ----------------------
4- Ramy is as ------------------ as Ali
5- Salem is --------------------- than Ramy .
6- Ramy is ----------------------- Salem
7- Ali is the -----------------------.

3) Read and answer:

This is a picture of my cousins , Maher and Mona , Maher is ten years old . He is tall and thin , Maha is eight years old . she is short and fat .
1- How old is Maher ?
2- Is Mona Maher's cousin ?
3- Is Maher older than Maha ?
4- Who is shorter Maha or Maher ?
5- Is Maher fatter than Mona ?
6- Are you younger than Mona ?

Units 17 and 18

1) Read and answer the following questions:

Ahmad and Fadwa are in the library . Miss Rania is the school Librarian Fadwa wants an English dictionary but she can't reach it . Ahmad is taller than Fadwa, he can reach it . The is dictionary is heavy .

a- Choose and answer:
Fadwa is in the ------------------- ( school - library - market )
Miss Rania wants an ------------- dictionary. ( Arabic - French – English)
Ahmad is -------------- than Fadwa – ( taller - smaller - shorter )
The dictionary is ------------------------ ( heavy - small – short)
a-Where are Ahmed and Fadwa ?
b-What does Fadwa want ?
c- Is the dictionary heavy ?
d-Can Fadwa reach the dictionary ?

b- Choose the right answer :
We can take the dictionary from the ---------------- ( market - library - grocer)
Ahmed is -------------------- than Fadwa .( taller - shorter - smaller )
Miss Rania is the school ------------------- ( teacher - librarian - pupil )

Heba Ahmed Dina

Heba is tall . Ahmed is 1.7 . Dina is 1.5 1.4 meters meters tall meters tall .
She's 9 years He's 10 years and she's 10 and 8 months old 2 months old

1-How tall is Heba ? ----------------------------------
2-How old is Heba ?----------------------------------------
3-Is Ahmad taller than Heba ?----------------------------
4-Is Dina younger than Heba ?------------------------------

5-How tall are you ?-----------------------------------------
6-How old are you ?-----------------------------------------------
7-Are you taller than Heba ?--------------------------------
8-Are you older than Ahmad ?---------------------------------
9-Are you younger than Dina ?----------------------------

3) Talk about yourself
I am ------------------------------
I am ----------------------------- meters tall
I am ------------------------ years and ----------------- months old

4) Complete the dialogue :

( Heba – good bye – fine – are – good morning – ten- Adnan- 1.6 -1.4)
Heba : Good morning , ------------------------
Adnan : ----------------- , Heba
Heba : How are you ?
Adnan : I am------------ ---------, thank .
Heba : How tall are you ?
Adnan :I am ---------------------- meters tall
Heba: How old -------------- you ?
Adnan :I am ---------------- years and ------------- months old
Heba : Goodbye , Adnan .
Adnan : ----------------------- ----------

5) Write the comparison:

- Nabil is ---------------- ( tall ) than Yazan.
- The red ball is ---------------( big ) than the black ball .
-Arwa is ---------------- ( short ) than Fadwa .
- The melon is -------------------- ( heavy ) than banana .
- Travelling by bus is ---------------------- ( quick ) than bicycle .

6) put ( √ )or ( X )

- The car is quicker than the bus ( )
- The oranges is bigger than the melon ( )
- You are younger than your teacher ( )
- You are older than your friend ( )
- Today you are younger than yesterday ( ).

7) Read the passage answer the questions :

It is 16 kilometers from Gaza to Rafah . The journey takes half an hour by bus . It is quicker by car . It takes twenty minutes by car . it is slower by bicycle . It takes an hour by bicycle .

Choose :

The distance from Gaza to Rafah is -------------- kilometers ( twenty - sixteen - fourteen )
The journey takes half an hour by --------------------- ( bus - car - bicycle )
The journey is ----------------- by car . ( bigger - quicker - slower )
It takes -------------------- minutes by bicycle ( thirty - sixty - twenty )

Answer these questions:

a-How long does the journey take by car ?
b-How long does the journey take by bus ?
c-Is the car quicker than the bus ?
d- Is the bicycle quicker than the car ?
Cool Choose :
( slower - quicker )

It's -------------- to go by car to the school .
It 's ---------------------- to go by bicycle to the market .
The car is ------------------------- than the bus
The bicycle is ---------------------- than the car


Adnan's house 30 minutes bus station
20 minutes 60 minutes

Adnan's school

How long does it take to walk to ?
Adnan's house ? it takes ------------------
the market ? --------------------------------
the bus station ? -----------------------------

Nablus 13 km
Gaza 38 km Jerusalem 20 km

1- How far is Gaza from Ramallah ?
2- How far is ------------------------ from Ramallah ?
It is 38 kilometers .
3- Nablus is ------------------ kilometers from Ramallah ( 20-13-38 )
4- Gaza is ---------------- from Ramallah than Jerusalem ( further - nearer )
5- Jerusalem is ------------- from Ramallah than Nablus ( further - nearer )

10) Read and complete the passage :

cousin – 38 - week - Gaza – city – fig
Last ---------------- we went to Jerusalem . It is a beautiful -------------------It is ------------- kilometers from --------------------- It is in the north of Gaza . My uncle Rami and -------------- Ahmed went with me early in the morning . we bought lots of oranges , grapes and ----------------- . we visited Al Aqsa mosque in the afternoon . In the evening we went home .

11) Write the numbers :

32 ----------------- 86-----------------------
24 ------------------ 50------------------------
25 ---------------- 19------------------------
60 ------------------ 62-------------------------
73 ----------------- 30-------------------------

Unit 19
1) Read and answer :

My name is Ali , I come form Gaza , my favourite sport is football , last year
I was in the school team .
1- Where does Ali come from ?
2- What is his favourite sport ?
3- Was Ali in the school team ?
4- Can Ali play football ?
5- Does Ali live in Rafah ?
6- Does Ali like playing football ?
2) Finnish the paragraph from the list :

( friends - watched - playing - name - live - like )
My ----------------------- is Mona ,I ------------ in Nablus .
I ------------------- watching T.V and -------------------- CDs with my ------------------ , yesterday we ---------------------------------- a film called " superman "
3) Match and write :
1- singing --------------------------
2- running --------------------------
3- cycling --------------------------
4- swimming --------------------------
5- playing football --------------------------
6- playing the drum --------------------------
7- playing the pipes --------------------------

4) Look and write:

40 ---forty -------- 15--------------- 65--------------
30------------------ 32------------------ 81----------------
77------------------- 100--------------- 99---------------

5) Write the numbers under the pictures :

( ) ( ) ( )

1- He is playing football .
2- She is singing
3- She is running.
4- He is riding a bike .
5- He is swimming. ( ) ( )
6) Complete the dialogue from the list :

(did - don't- Do - swimming - sport – come)

Mr. Munir : Hello , Mosa , where do you come from ?
Mosa : I -------------------------- from Jenin .
Mr. Munir : What is your favorite ----------------?
Mosa : My favorite sport is ------------------------
Mr. Munir :Did you swim in the sea yesterday ?
Mosa : Yes , I ---------------------------------------------
Mr. Munir : ------------------------------- you like watching T.V ?
Mosa : No , I -------------------------------------------

7) Read and choose the right answer:

1- Do you like playing computer game ?
yes I -------------------------- ( did - am - do )
2- What are you doing now ?
I -------------------------- playing ping pong .( am - is - are )
3- Did you go to Jerusalem last month ?
No , I ------------------------- ( don't – am not - didn't - )
4-What is your favorite sport ?
My favorite sport is ---------------( karate - Gaza - bananas )
5- Are you swimming now ?
No , I--------------------------- ( isn't – am not - aren’t )

Model Exam for 17 ,18,19

1) Listen and circle the word you hear :

a- Library dictionary heavy happy
b- First fifth fourth fourteenth
c- Tall ball call fall
d- Arwa Mona Fadwa Suhaila
e- Uncle aunt niece nephew
2) Complete the dialogue using these words:
( favourite-fine- Adnan- Goodbye-ten-Good morning-old-Adnan- sport)
Heba : Good morning --------------
Adnan : ----------------- , Heba
Heba : How are you ?
Adnan : I am -------------------- thanks .
Heba : How ----------- are you ?
Adnan : I am ---------------- years old
Heba : What is your favourite -------------?
Adnan : My -------------- sport is tennis
Heba : Good bye ---------------------
Adnan : --------------- Heba
3) Read and complete the answer :

a- Did you visit Jerusalem last month ? No,--------------------
b- Are you watching T.V now ? No ,-------------------
c- Is Ali playing CDs ? No , ------------------
d- Does Heba live in Rafah ? Yes , ------------------
4) Look and write:

40-------------------- ------------------ seventy six
------------ twenty five 64 ---------------------------
------------- twelve ------------- hundred
36 ---------------------- 81----------------------------
---------- seventy --------------- fifty nine

5) Match the words and pictures :


B- swimming

C- playing football

D- cycling

6) Read the passage and answer the questions:
My name is Ali . I come from Rafah , my favorite sport is karate , last year I won the world championship in karate

1- Where does Ali live ?
He -------------------------------------------
2- What is his favorite sport ?
His -------------------------------------------
3- What did Ali win last year ?
He won ---------------------------------------
7) Choose the right answer :

1) Muna is ------------------ than Heba ( old –older )
2) Ahmad is ------------ his home work now ( did – doing )
3) ------------------ John like computer games ( does – do – is )
4) Yesterday Adnan ----------- bread ( bought - buy )
5) I ------------------ in the school team last year ( is – am – was )

Cool Re – arrange :

1- are – you – old – how ?

2- sister –Love – your – from .

9) Handwriting :

Jerusalem is our capital.

Enrichment Material for 4th Grade
Units 20 -21-22
1) Read and Write :

(favourite - beautiful - places - visitors )
Jerusalem is a ----------- city . There are many ----------------- to visit.-------- come to the city in all seasons . It is my --------------- place .
2) Match :

- Where is Al Aqsa mosque ? Jenin
-What is your favourite city ? Yes, there are
- Are there many places in Jerusalem to visit? It's in Jerusalem

3) Re- arrange :

1) famous - is - Cairo - city - a .
2) is - favorurite - Jerusalem -place - my
3) Al Aqsa - Where - mosque - is?
4) Write the opposite :

hot X------------------ tall X -------------------
old X----------------- big X--------------------
small X ---------------

5) Re- order:

( alpehten ) ( uaNlbs) ( t uBrei) (rCoai)
------------- ------------- ----------- -----------------

6) Complete the dialogue :

( Where - mosque - Goodbye - Hello - when – Jerusalem )
Heba : Hello Lina
Lina : ------------ Heba .
Heba :------------- are you from ?
Lina : I am from --------------
Heba :Is there a famous ----------------- in Jerusalem ?
Lina : Yes there is .
Heba : ----------------- do visitors come to Jerusalem ?
Lina : In all seasons .
Heba : --------------------------- Lina
Lina : Goodbye Heba.
7) Complete :
(e-u-o-a )

1- Nabl----s . 2- J----richo
3- B-----ttle 4- C--rton.

Cool Answer the following questions :

1) Which is your favourite season ?
2) Is Al Omari mosque in Gaza ?
3) Is Al Aqsa mosque in Cairo ?

9) Classify :

Paris beautiful Cairo Spring
famous Jerusalem Important Winter

1- Seasons 2- Cities 3- Adjectives

10) Handwriting :

Jerusalem is a famous city.

Unit 21

1) Read and complete :
{ Who – What – Where }

1- ---------------- is in the sitting room ?
Adnan and Fadwa .
2- ----------------- does Ahmad to do ?
His homework
4- ----------------- did Adnan finish his homework ?
At home

2) Choose :
1- Last night I ------------------English homework . ( have – had )
2- Is Salwa -------------------- slowly . ( walking – walk )
3- ------------------ you do your homework carefully ? ( Do – does – did )
4- Ali had ten out ---------------- ten ( in – on – of ) .
5- The television ----------- playing loudly ( is – are – am )
3) Read and answer :
Manal had Maths homework yesterday . It was very easy. She did it carefully .
It took two hours . She had ten out of ten .
1- Manal had ----------------------- homework ( English – Arabic – Maths )
2- Homework was ------------------- (difficult – easy )
3- She did homework -------------------- ( slowly – carefully – loudly )
4- She had ---------------- out of ten ( five – ten – seven )
5- Did Manal do her homework ? ------------------------------------------------------------

4) Hand writing :
I had English homework last Sunday .

5) Re arrange :

1- walking – Ali – quickly – is .


2- English – I – homework – had .

3- TV – I – watch – want – to .


6) Look and write :
-1- -2- -3- - 4- - 5-

1- Ten out of ten .

2- --------------------------
3 - --------------------------
4- --------------------------
5 - -------------------------
7) Look and complete :

Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday
Maths History English Science Arabic

1- Pupils have Arabic lesson on Sunday .
2- Pupils have ------------------- lesson on Tuesday .
3- -------------- ---------------- science lesson on -------------------
4- Pupils ----------------- ----------------- lesson on Wednesday.
5- -------------- have -------------------- lesson on Thursday .
Cool Circle the odd one out :
1- slowly – loudly – favorite – quietly
2- playing – radio – walking – writing
3- watch – do – play – had .
4- Science – Arabic – Sunday – Maths

Model Exam.

1) Listen and circle :

1- Jerusalem - Jericho - January - Jenin
2- famous - favourite- farther- far.
3- walking - talking - painting - looking
2) put ( √ ) or ( X ):

This is Adnan is It's an Rania is
Jerusalem walking quickly elephant dancing

3) Read and complete :

( famous - places - mosque - beautiful )
Jerusalem is a ----------------- city . It is very --------------- there are many holy ------------- to visit . Al Aqsa----------------- is in Jerusalem .

4) Match :

Where is Al Aqsa mosque ? at 6:00 o’clock

Who is sitting in the room ? In summer

What time does the school open ? It's in Jerusalem

When is it hot in Cairo? Rania

5) Write the opposite :

Big X-------------- loudly quickly X----------------
Hot X---------------- small quietly X--------------

6) Re - arrange :

1- city - is - Jerusalem – a famous .
2- walking - is - Salwa - quickly .
7) odd one out :

1- watch - write - dance - homework .
2- Jenin - Gaza - Jerusalem - Nablus
3- walking - loudly - quietly - slowly .
Cool Handwriting :

Al Aqsa mosque is very important for Moslems.

Unit 23
1) Read and answer :
Islamic Museum

Telephone Number : 02 . 62793275 .
Opening hours : Saturday to Tuesday : 8 : 00 --- 12 : 00

1- What time does the museum open ?

2- Is the museum open on Monday ?

3- Is the museum open on Friday ?

4- What is the telephone number of the museum ?

2) Read and draw the hands :

12 :30 half past twelve

18 : 15 quarter past six

22 : 00 ten o clock

3) Write the time :

It's --------- -------- -------- It's ---------- --------- --------

4) Read and complete :

{ quickly – quietly – carefully – slowly }

1- you must do your homework ---------------------------
2- Old men walk ------------------------------
3- The children are walking -------------------------
4-In class you must speak --------------------------
5) Find nine words :

s r e d l u o h S
e e n k e s o n a
l f h d a e h e s
b e n m l a a y z
o e n e t r i e x
w t s r m s r s m

1- ----------------------- 2- ------------------------ 3- -----------------
4- ----------------------- 5- ------------------------ 6- -----------------
7- ---------------------- 8 - ----------------------- 9 - ----------------
6) Circle the odd one out :

1- head – hand – ten – nose 3- feet - Monday – Sunday – Friday
2- three – seven – eight – to 4- watched – painted – enjoyed – talk

7) Re arrange :

1- on – dabka – is –The – Sunday . -----------------------------------------------

2- went – club – to – I – a painting . ---------------------------------------------


Cool Handwriting :

Last week I went to a painting club in Ramallah .
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
نموذج مراجعة للصف الرابع E
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 1 من اصل 1
 مواضيع مماثلة
» نموذج مراجعة للصف الرابع فى اللغة الانجليزية
» نموذج مراجعة للصف الثالث فى اللغة الانجليزية
» نموذج مراجعة فى E للصف الخامس
» نموذج مراجعة فى E للصف الخامس( للمتفوقين)
» نموذج مراجعة للصف الأول فى اللغة الانجليزية

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
مبدعـــــــــــــــــــــــــ غزة فلسطين ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــون  :: نماذج المراجعة :: نماذج المراجعة للفصل الثاني-
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